Filing for bankruptcy in Texas can be tricky- you might feel scared of the consequences yet may not see yourself with a lot of options. You might have endless questions about the personal insolvency procedure after hearing and reading about lots of bankruptcy-related...
Credit Repair
Colorado Couple Sees $200,000 in Student Loans Forgiven
Colorado Couple Sees $200,000 in Student Loans Forgiven It is not often that you see student loans being discharged when a person files for bankruptcy. In fact, it so rarely happens that a lot of people have come to mistakenly believe that it is an unforgivable debt....
Coronavirus and bankruptcy
The connection between coronavirus and bankruptcy is not a shock for any of us. The economy has been shakier than ever and there is no way everyone will be able to recover post-pandemic. Hence, it is quite obvious for people to think about going bankrupt as an option...
Eliminating Medical Bills with Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Hospital and medical bills are mostly not under our control. Along with the emotional and physiological stress that comes when you or your loved one is in the hospital, dealing with the added pressure of overwhelming medical fees is not easy. This will why people...
How to Recover After Bankruptcy
Most of us hope that we never experience bankruptcy; however, there is no telling when we could become its victim. Bankruptcy might be a taboo word for most people, but it isn’t new – it is a fact of life. Despite what people might say, it is possible to recover from...
How Bankruptcy Affects Your Credit
Most people don’t file for bankruptcy because they want to avoid its detrimental effects on their credit. Bankruptcy stays on the credit reports for a maximum of ten years, and it can seriously hurt your credit. However, if you don’t file for bankruptcy and let your...
How to Rebuild Credit after Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy can take a serious toll on your credit scores. Not only that, but filing for bankruptcy makes it hard to get approved for new credit in the future. Therefore, bankruptcy seems devastating. However, filing for bankruptcy doesn’t mean that you will never be...