In a bankruptcy case, you are required by the court to reveal all information that is deemed necessary. This includes all your debts, assets, income, expenses, etc. In addition, you will be required to attend a 341 meeting, where your creditors will ask you further...
Adversary Proceeding
4 Best Books to Read on Bankruptcy
For those struggling with debt, bankruptcy provides a means to get rid of the financial burden and start your life from a clean slate. Still, bankruptcy remains a little-understood concept by many people, preventing them from fully taking advantage of their legal...
What to Do if You Are Charged With Bankruptcy Fraud?
Bankruptcy fraud is a federal felony that can carry with it a number of severe penalties if the defendant is found guilty, ranging from heavy fines to years in prison. It can encompass a number of different offenses but the most common is of a bankruptcy filer...
6 Common Bankruptcy Myths Debunked
Filing for bankruptcy in Texas can be tricky- you might feel scared of the consequences yet may not see yourself with a lot of options. You might have endless questions about the personal insolvency procedure after hearing and reading about lots of bankruptcy-related...
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Required Document Checklist ✔
Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Required Document Checklist ✔ The average Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition is around 50 pages in length, so that means a lot of information is required on your side to complete the forms. Here is a checklist of essential documents usually required in...
Colorado Couple Sees $200,000 in Student Loans Forgiven
Colorado Couple Sees $200,000 in Student Loans Forgiven It is not often that you see student loans being discharged when a person files for bankruptcy. In fact, it so rarely happens that a lot of people have come to mistakenly believe that it is an unforgivable debt....
Coronavirus and bankruptcy
The connection between coronavirus and bankruptcy is not a shock for any of us. The economy has been shakier than ever and there is no way everyone will be able to recover post-pandemic. Hence, it is quite obvious for people to think about going bankrupt as an option...
A Debtor Dies During Bankruptcy Proceedings: Now What?
When someone dies, the loss is heavy for family members, friends, and loved ones. Emotions are strong, and everything seems haphazard. However, what’s worse is when, amidst the chaos, there are legal issues to deal with that arrive if a debtor died after declaring...
Eliminating Medical Bills with Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Hospital and medical bills are mostly not under our control. Along with the emotional and physiological stress that comes when you or your loved one is in the hospital, dealing with the added pressure of overwhelming medical fees is not easy. This will why people...
Texas Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Exemptions – A Quick Overview
Texas is a state that offers among the most generous of bankruptcy exemptions. Here is a quick overview of which of your assets can be protected during a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. Homestead Texas allows you to exempt an unlimited amount of equity from your homestead...