Imagine this scenario, you missed out on many months of your mortgage payments and now, you are at the risk of losing your property as the lender may move towards foreclosure. Should you file for bankruptcy before or after the foreclosure? Provided that the risk of...
Month: October 2019
Filing For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy in Texas? Here are 3 Things You Should Know
Chapter 7 is the most common form of bankruptcy that people apply for in Texas. If you are struggling with repayments on your mounting debt, chapter 7 bankruptcy is often a viable solution to the problem, and can grant you a fresh financial start. However, before you...
5 Things You Should Know Before Declaring Bankruptcy on Student Loans
Declaring Bankruptcy on Student Loans Student loan debt is on the rise across the country as students take in more and more loans to finance their rising tuition fees. In fact, Americans collectively own more than $1.5 trillion in student debt, and the figure is still...
Bankruptcy Simplified: Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13
In this article we discuss the main features and differences between the two and whether you should avail Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 for discharging your debt. If you are ever unlucky enough to get yourself in a situation of unplayable debt then filing for a Chapter 7 or...