1. Any debt incurred after the bankruptcy filing date does not qualify as part of your discharge. Therefore, it is best to file when one is sure that they are reasonably sure that they won’t be incurring any further unmanageable expenses while during and after the bankruptcy process.
2. Include all qualifiable debts that you believe you won’t manage in your bankruptcy. Once a discharge is given, most debtors have to wait 8 years before qualifying for another debt discharge.
3. If you are moving to another state, time your bankruptcy filing accordingly. Depending on which state you are in and to which you are moving, it may be more advantageous to file while residing in the one with more generous exemption laws.
4. Be mindful of making large payments to preferred creditors, selling assets, or transferring them out of your name shortly before bankruptcy. It can raise suspicion of bankruptcy fraud, and the court trustee assigned to your case can get the money or property back using a clawback provision.
5. Don’t make the mistake of incurring any further debt shortly before filing for bankruptcy. The fact that you purchased items on credit knowing that you won’t pay the creditor back can make you subject to fraud allegations. Even if it does not result in a criminal investigation, the outcome could still be an objection to your discharge.
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